EPR paradox
- 网络佯谬;EPR佯谬;爱波罗悖论;爱因斯坦-波多尔斯基-罗森悖论

From EPR Paradox , Bell 's Inequality to Quantum Information Theory
There is no EPR Paradox in the two - wave interpretation .
Paper A Discussion about ' Two Wave Interpretation of EPR Paradox ' has mistakes in it .
EPR Paradox is due to the interpretation that single wave can interpret completely the single system .
Optimum realization of the EPR paradox in the non-degenerate parametric amplification system
All these results can be used to analysing the quantum optics experiments of EPR Paradox .
Two-Wave Interpretation of EPR Paradox
In this paper , we use the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for non-degenerate parametric amplification to deduce the condition of demonstration of the EPR paradox .
Firstly , the proposition and definition of quantum entangled states , EPR paradox and Bell inequality , and several kinds of entangled states , as well as their properties , are given .
The long-distance correlation experiment in quantum system originated in the EPR paradox , Results of the experiment ran counter to the theory of local hidden variables and provided experiment facts for the incomplete determinism in quantum theory .
The numerical simulation shows that the optimum realization of EPR paradox can be achieved by adjusting the degree of squeezing , and this is the best condition for demonstrating the EPR paradox for a given finite loss k.
Einstein and his partners published a paper in 1935 ( called EPR paradox in history ) . In this paper they acutely criticized the classical interpretation of quantum mechanics ( Copenhagen interpretation ) . This was the first time to give the conception what the inseparable states were .
EPR Relevance And Paradox of Quantum